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Limonene Plastic Solvent

Price: £8.00
In Stock 9
D-Limonene Polystyrene solvent. 100ml glass bottle. This has a slower evaporation rate than Mek-Pak and so is a little more gentle. Used maimly for small parts and windows as it normally does not frost glazing strip, but can be used for all plasticard work. Due the slower evaporation this is excellent for laminating sheets together. Not suitable for ABS or harder plastics
Date Added
10th April 2009
D-Limonene Polystyrene solvent. 100ml glass bottle. This has a slower evaporation rate than Mek-Pak and so is a little more gentle. Used maimly for small parts and windows as it normally does not frost glazing strip, but can be used for all plasticard work. Due the slower evaporation this is excellent for laminating sheets together. Not suitable for ABS or harder plastics
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