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Hobby Holidays
The Spinney, Low St.
S Yorkshire.
DN10 4PW
07507 422840


» Painting & Weathering
Enamel paint are in essence what we call oil based paints. You wash brushes and thin with turps. The main benefit of enamels is they don't dry as quickly giving you a chance to brush without drying to fast important with Lining and weathering where easy removal is required to correct or blend etc. Drying time varies upon weather conditions but touch dry in 2 hours, hard in 2 days.
Acrylic Paints by Tamiya, Humbrol and AK Interactive. These paints have good coverage, dry quite quickly. Brushes wash out with water except when dry. Although these paints are water based, once dry they SET and cannot be removed with water.
Decals transfers and decal papers to make your own


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Workshops in Patchwork, Quilting, Machine Embroidery, Hand Quilting and more

Workshops in Loco & Chassis construction, Buildings, Signals, Railway Operation and more

Relax in the evening with a farmhouse AGA cooked evening meal before stopping in our quiet Bed & Breakfast