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Solder paste syringe 179 deg 40g

Price: £32.50
In Stock 1
40g syringe of 179 deg cent solder paste 62% tin, 36% lead, and 2% silver. This is a quality product used in Surface mount circuit board assembly and repair. The silver being a metal slow to oxidise aids whetting (smoothly covering the metal) making a superior joint. Perfect for RSU's as the low flux content is less likely to force items apart as it boils Comes complete with handle and fine metal nozzle.
Product ID SOLDP17940
Date Added
08th July 2011
40g syringe of 179 deg cent solder paste 62% tin, 36% lead, and 2% silver. This is a quality product used in Surface mount circuit board assembly and repair. The silver being a metal slow to oxidise aids whetting (smoothly covering the metal) making a superior joint. Perfect for RSU's as the low flux content is less likely to force items apart as it boils Comes complete with handle and fine metal nozzle.
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