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The Spinney, Low St.
S Yorkshire.
DN10 4PW
07507 422840



Model Railway Products

Welcome to the home of the "Master Chassis"

This is a precision designed and made jig for making accurate Loco Chassis

The 5 axle Master Chassis Jig

  • It helps to make Accurate and Aligned Coupling Rods
  • It allows you construct a square and aligned chassis with exactly the same axles centres as the coupling rods
  • It allows you to test your chassis stage by stage
  1. with the motor wheels and coupling rod
  2. each pickup in turn
  3. with the valve gear fitted
  4. with the body and everything else fitted

The jig is not only designed to work no matter what type of chassis you require, with a set of rolling road units inc in the price, but the way its made, any build up in tolerance in the manufacturing process is eliminated, ensuring an accurate chassis everytime.

  • Solid
  • Beam compensation
  • Sprung Hornblocks

It is available in 2 sizes and 6 Gauges-

  • 3 axles - any thing upto a 0-6-0, 4-6-2, Etc.
  • 5 Axles - for any upto a 2-10-0 eg Evening Star.
  • 7mm in either Course/Finescale or S7
  • 4mm version (in '00'/'H0', EM or P4/S4).
  • Gauge 1
  • Specials also made eg 'S', Irish and multi scale/gauge

To buy online please use the menu top left of this page - hover over "Model Railways" - then "Products" - then click on "Master Chassis" to see the options available.

Either way Ring or e-mail to talk through your precise requirements or if you have any questions about it or its use.

See Page 2 for Options and extras

See also our Yahoo Group http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/masterchassis/





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Workshops in Patchwork, Quilting, Machine Embroidery, Hand Quilting and more

Workshops in Loco & Chassis construction, Buildings, Signals, Railway Operation and more

Relax in the evening with a farmhouse AGA cooked evening meal before stopping in our quiet Bed & Breakfast